
Age 36, Male


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Joined on 8/9/03

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swaenK's News

Posted by swaenK - June 20th, 2019

I just seen the billion dollar cocaine bust in Philly Pensylvania. Looks like our dear leader Tom Fulp is going away for a long time :(

Whatever will happen to Newgrounds? Fuck

Posted by swaenK - January 19th, 2019

okay, so I am still sick. the first run of antibiotics werent strong enough and as soon as I stopped taking them the infection came back hurtling into my life painfully.  :(

so I am on new stronger antibiotics now... 

Posted by swaenK - December 29th, 2018

4 weeks, or something, this cold has been going on for. I am going to the doctor I think to get anti-biotics. Lazy, easy fix. Sue me. Fkkkkk beeeinnnnggg siiiiickckkkck

mission: success. I got apo-mometasone nasal spray and amoxacillin ffuu yes. 

Posted by swaenK - December 24th, 2018

So there are some good things that come out of jail. I have been trying to do polyphasic sleeping for years, but it turns out being trapped in a small area with all the time to sleep/do whatever you want in the world, makes it easy to do polyphasic sleeping. 

Now it has been said that women naturally adapt to polyphasic sleeping easier than men, and I think I know why now. It's not like they're really that different from us mentally, per se. I think it's because they're like cats and they're always conserving energy. While guys are always pushing themselves. We work ourselves tired and sleep in as late as possible, basically. 

While women, like cats, like to conserve energy and beauty rest, w/e. While in jail I was able to focus on my polyphasic napping. I didn't stress myself out, because if I did I would go into a state of starvation. You're always saving energy in jail basically. Unless you're rolling in canteen. When I ran out of canteen though I was too tired to polyphasic sleep/failure. It's kind of hard/tiring. 

But anyway, there are some secret methods that I cannot specifically reveal as a kung fu master doesn't reveal all of his tricks online. He teaches students privately if they wish to learn from the master. 

N E WAY: I polyphasic slept for about 4 months near the end of my sentence, and halfway through around easter when I was rollin' [per se] before I ran out of canteen I was able to do a perfect flip. Taking a nap mid-day for about an hour and a half or so, and a nap around the evening, which I would then wake up at like midnight if I flipped right. 2 hour nap at night. Now I got this amount of sleep consistently. 

In doing so I was able to perfectly balance my hormonal flow. When you sleep for large chunks your hormones fail/w/e. But if you only briefly take breaks you don't lose your bodies "flow". Normally I would do polyphasic sleeping for the dreams, but this time around I had an astronomical breakthrough where I felt like I was on MDMA and LSD at the same time. 

It was unbelievable. My brain was able to produce chemicals near similar to being on extremely fancy triptamines. It was extremely euphoric and peaceful, and extremely clean as it was drug free. 

Mind = Blown. 

You can't do this on the outs because a) you have to go to work b) you cant take naps at work c) you're tired when you're done work. It's veritably impossible. But while in jail you can achieve very fantastic nap cycles [unless you're so hungry you can't function/operate]. 

True story. Don't be lazy. Stay up. Do jumping jacks to stay awake. ETC. 

Polyphasic sleeping for the simple man: nap like a cat. Don't sleep in large chunks at night. Go to bed at 10:00 pm. Wake up at midnight. Or as early as you can. No large chunks of sleep. It IS possible to sleep fantastically for 20 minutes, but it's hard. 

Posted by swaenK - December 23rd, 2018

Hey, it's been a while since I have posted anything, because I have been in jail. That's right, I just spent 2 years incarcerated for crimes I am 100% innocent of. 

Allegedly I stabbed somebody, and it certainly was a weird incident, but what went down in the court room was entirely different from what actually happened. The events aren't even slightly similar, they're a mockery of what actually happened. A mockery isn't even a close comparison, they are a disgusting insult to what actually happened. 

What actually happened is that I am a huge hero who risked his life in order to save people, and in the process the government was given a court case that was too fucking unusual to be able to proceed normally with. 

But why the conviction? Why? That's a good fucking question because I want to be in the military and this will forever fuck that over. About the only thing I would ever be good at really; but, they did it because once you're incarcerated nobody gets out unscathed. Suspectively though I can beat this all in appeal, and this is the governments way of fucking with my head, and one day when this is all beaten and this travesty of a conviction is in my past I will laugh harder than when I watched Beebo cartoons when I was 12. Someone will have to pay for this insult, surely. 

That said I am sick, sick as a dog. I have had this cold for a solid two weeks. Why? Sinus congestion leading to a permanent head cold where my energy is depleted and I don't feel good. How sweet it would be to have endless energy, never be sick and always have the power to be on the go, fast/awesome/better all around, but unfortunately that's not the case I just spent 2 years in fucking jail and I am prone to illness.

I developed something called "diptheria" albeit a very mild version while incarcerated. It wasn't as severe as POWs and whatever the fuck else but I got a chronic throat infection from a weakening of my mucus wall/whatever. Drinking soy milk is what very much aggravated it. I was on a no dairy diet as I am partially allergic to milk (protein shakes are very hard on me and about the only thing I can't consume frequently) and I was given soy milk as a substitute. It cut the fucking shit out of my throat, along with anything sugary. Raw-white sugar related products obliterated my throat. My ability to tollerate them on my 1000 calorie a day diet was diminished. I didn't get much canteen as my family is a bunch of a-holes. I literally went into shock where I would hyperventilate for extended periods of time because I was so hungry. 

Basically, I was so hungry, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep until midnight. At which point I would have some weird horrendous nightmare, and I would wake up at about 3 am and I wouldn't fall back asleep. Then, at about 5 am the hyperventilating would start. The hyperventilating wouldn't stop until after supper around 8 pm. It was horrible. Now, this isn't some North Korean concentration camp, but yeah, I was hungry because I didn't get canteen. Now if you have canteen it's not bad. I eventually got moderate amounts of canteen ($30 /day) because I had $500 stored away somewhere, and eventually my mom dished out cash. 

Soooooo I got this permanent bacteria culture in the back of my throat. Except it's like a super-powerful bacteria strain that will not go away no matter how much you brush/gargle/whatever. It's just stuck back there, living in the holes of your throat that were cut open by soy-milk and sugar. Now, I have such bad breath nobody will want to be around me, annnnd yeah, it's gross. Eventually I figured out I had to gargle and this problem was kind of dealt with. It's funny when you brush 3 times a day and you still wake up with a horrendously gross bad breath. That would surely be how you get super-mouth rot. Combine that with a crystal meth addiction, and I mean, yeah you're gonna lose all your teeth. 

So fast forward to when I have been released from jail, regularly gargling for 6 months and still if I quit brushing my teeth/gargling this horrible throat infection will come back. But recently my dreams had this fantastic idea to do crystal meth! Woah, genius! sweet. It wasn't actually a horrible time, because I have done enough drugs now to find out which drugs are worth doing and which aren't. I'll test the product before I buy from a random dealer and if I like it I'll buy some. The first night I got some really powerful stuff, I was wired. The next day after running out as I didn't buy much the first night I went back downtown to score again and I got some weaker stuff. I stupidly didn't sample from my first dealer I ran into and I got some super-weak ass shit that didn't do anything so I had to buy even more shitty meth in order to get my fix. Needless to say I have lots of left over meth sitting somewhere. 

Anyway, bla bla bla did some meth, had an OK time, except crystal meth when you snort it fucks up your nose. This can actually be a fun aspect of it, the burn after you do a line. Except my sinus congestion... Now I enjoy snorting, I snort coke on the semi-regular, except coke doesn't bother your sinuses. I never get congestion unless it's shitty coke. Shitty coke will bung up your sinuses in minutes and that's a fast way to know it's garbage coke. 

Anyway x2, so now you can kind of figure out why I am sick. I have this horrible sinus infection that won't go away, and it's been sitting here for two weeks. I am tired, I have a headache. I am coughing all the time. My throats sore, I am stuffy. I can barely taste anything. It's dumb as fuck. 

Now, here is kind of why I am writing this post. So last night my oh so amazing dreams (i have ESP, it's not a maybe, it's a 9001% I have ESP) wanted me to go on a bike ride to look for trouble. As if my spider-senses were tingling and if I went on some dumb bike ride into the downtown area randomly I would of found somebody doing something bad, and all I would have to do is call 911 with my fancy portable phone, or help the individual beat that person w/e. 

EXCEPT IM SICK AND TIRED. So sadly I wasn't able to get up in the middle of the night because I was so tired and sick in order to perform some random christmas miracle where somebody wouldn't of been as jewed over as they were likely had I been there. Sorry! Whatever dumb shit happened 2 weekends ago, has to be good enough [if anything I don't know]. 

Hey stupid dreams! If you're so ESP why the fuck didn't you just get me to go to bed early? IDK. 

Now if I wasn't so sick and tired all the time from all of the worlds bullshit [ENDLESS] I would be much happier/stronger/able to respond better. 

I guess, because I am such a failure, beause I didn't save the day, I am going to go to hell ;( 

Oh the horror, having, to be stuck down there, a zombie, eating flesh to live, etc. 

[zombies are sweet]

Also, yeah, uhhhhhhhhhh, if the government ever does to you, what they did to me, BE VERY PATIENT. I was innocent so I wanted out as fast as I could to get on with my life. Also, don't be poor like me and hire a fancy lawyer. 

What happened to me was GAY AS FUCK. and I gays are OK for the most part, they're nice, or whatever. 

I demand retribution. 


Posted by swaenK - September 16th, 2016

wow, wow, im writing, because, I am crazy and I need to vent energy.


i have nothing write here, YOU FRIGG OFF

Posted by swaenK - September 12th, 2016

So destined to the truth of it's name, I think as a declaration, Newgrounds must be commited to moving forward, and breaking new ground. 

Even if Tom is off being a father/family he still has to keep in mind there is a community that expects new stuff and stuff. 

What does new mean ? 



but what I will say is that it would have to garner the attention of big business. Not venture capital, as I know some goons who got involved with them, and they stole all of their money and then sent them to jail. 

No, I mean, you have to ... become "big", ie: legit. Too legit, you never gona quit, na'hm sayin' ? 

There are certain legacies we all must note, legacies you must visualize and understand. To break newground means to, tredge forth, and SOMEFUCKINGHOW, make way, in the next for years... 

The next four years... 



Posted by swaenK - February 15th, 2016

I am 100% finished on the forum 

I'll still contribute art or whatever but my days racking up post counts are gone 

Posted by swaenK - February 15th, 2015

I am totally going to draw something soon like you know? you'll see, and stuff.

Posted by swaenK - January 5th, 2015

Imagine if you will for one second, IF, you decided to do something devotional, or you were going to a devotional site, and along the way, YOU DECIDED TO PARTY, as if ... christening your... great sacrifice. You sir, would be a douche. You show up, hung over, reaking of puke and piss, and don't act like you didn't know, you did.